Vol. 1 No. 1 (2001): Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy

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Published: May 2001

In this issue:

  • Pharmacy Practice in Malaysia
  • Bioethics
  • Career choice of Malaysian pharmacy students
  • Public awareness of community pharmacy
  • Analysis of glibenclamide by HPLC

Pharmacy Practice in Malaysia

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    Pharmacists in Malaysia practise their profession in rugged terrains which demand both professional skills and pioneering spirits. Many of the current pharmaceutical standards, practices, and legislations need overhauling in order to meet the aspiration of the nation in this new millennium. The Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society has a vital role to play. The profession requires the greatest understanding of the Malaysian Medical Association and the Government in this transition period.


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      Bioethics was originally proposed in the early 1970s to denote ‘the incorporation of biological knowledge and human values’. It is becoming more relevant in the biological age. This paper looks at some of the biological issues that require an ethical input. These include the Human Genome Project, human cloning and assisted reproductive technologies, contraception and abortion, organ donation and transplantation, euthanasia, brain death, human embryonic cells and AIDS. Examples of issues that have been raised in this area: Who owns our genes? Can we ‘design’ our babies? Should humans be cloned? Can pregnancy be terminated? Is mercy killing all right? Is brain death equivalent to death? Can embryonic cells be used in experiments? While some have been settled, others still persist till today. The numerous ethical questions pertaining to biology beg serious efforts on the part of ethical theorists to dig deep into their established principles. Similarly those working within applied ethics cannot operate effectively without referring to theoretical ethics. Hence thus far, many of the bioethical issues have been tackled. It is proposed that as a member of the health team, pharmacists too need to be well versed in issues pertaining to bioethics.

      Career Choice of Malaysian Pharmacy Student: A Preliminary Analysis

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        A cross-sectional study was conducted among pharmacy students to determine factors influencing their choice of work place and to evaluate whether a one-year hospital pre-registration training programme had any effect on these choices. Questionnaires were distributed to graduating students at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The questionnaires were again sent to the same group of students by post at the end of their pre-registration training year. The response rate during the follow-up stage was 46%. Results indicated that students in the survey were more interested in independent and chain community pharmacies compared to other practice settings. Students’ choices of first place of practice appeared to be influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic job factors. Our findings did not show major changes in students’ preferences for practice sites before and after the hospital pre-registration period. This information is expected to be useful for pharmacy employers.

        Public Awareness of Community Pharmacy and Pharmacist

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          A cross-sectional study was conducted among pharmacy students to determine factors influencing their choice of work place and to evaluate whether a one-year hospital pre-registration training programme had any effect on these choices. Questionnaires were distributed to graduating students at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The questionnaires were again sent to the same group of students by post at the end of their pre-registration training year. The response rate during the follow-up stage was 46%. Results indicated that students in the survey were more interested in independent and chain community pharmacies compared to other practice settings. Students’ choices of first place of practice appeared to be influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic job factors. Our findings did not show major changes in students’ preferences for practice sites before and after the hospital pre-registration period. This information is expected to be useful for pharmacy employers.

          Development of a High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Analysis of Glibenclamide from Dissolution Studies

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            A HPLC method for the detection and quantification of glibenclamide, from dissolution studies of glibenclamide tablets (5 mg), was developed. The dissolution test employed was the basket method, operating at 100 rpm, using 1000ml phosphate buffer pH 7.4 as the dissolution medium. Elution was performed on LC-18 reverse phase, SupelcosilTM ODS column (4.6mm x 25cm, 5mm) using a mobile phase consisting of 0.02M monobasic ammonium phosphate in 60%v/v acetonitrile in water at a flow rate of 2ml/min, using phenacetin as the internal standard. The eluent was monitored at 254nm with an UV detector. Retention times of the glibenclamide and phenacetin peaks were 3.61 minutes and 1.8 minutes respectively.