Knowledge Level of Government Healthcare Personnel in Labuan towards Registered Product and Notified Cosmetic
Introduction: All pharmaceutical products in Malaysia must be registered with the Drug Control Authority (DCA) whereas cosmetics must be notified with the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA). Availability of unregistered products and unnotified cosmetics in the market are longstanding issues affecting public safety and health. It is vital that all government healthcare personnel (GHP) as the front liners are equipped with the knowledge to properly advise the public on this issue.
Objective: This study aims to determine the level of knowledge towards registered products and notified cosmetics among various groups of GHP under the Ministry of Health facilities in Labuan.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study performed from August to November 2017 using a validated 12 question questionnaire. Respondents were divided into 4 groups (doctors/dentist, pharmacist, nurse, allied healthcare professional) and results between the groups were analysed using Chi-square analysis. Respondent’s knowledge was given score and those who scored 9 marks and above were considered to have good knowledge. Those who scored 8 marks and below were considered to have poor knowledge.
Results: Only 40.2% Pharmacists have the highest score of good knowledge on registered products and notified cosmetics at 81.8% (n=18). The level of good knowledge among allied health professionals (AHP) stood at 42.9% (n=21), 36.4% of nurses (n=43) and 20% of doctors (n=6). However in total, only 40.2% (n=88) of the study population had good knowledge.
Conclusion: The level of knowledge towards registered products and notified cosmetics among doctors, pharmacist, nurses and allied health professional in Labuan is poor as only 40.2% have good knowledge. This study shows a significant association between the levels of knowledge among GHP varies between groups of profession. Pharmacist group has the highest score in knowledge in this study and thus should be another reference for the general public and patients when it comes to health-related matters. Further re-education should be conducted to improve the knowledge of GHPs in Labuan with regards to this subject.