Dahilig-Talan, Vina Rose A.

  • Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Philippine Pharmacists Association Building, R. Papa Street, Sampaloc 1008, Manila, Philippines
  • Manila Adventist College, 1975 San Juan, Pasay, 1300 Kalakhang, Manila, Philippines

Academic Restructuring Towards Flexible Learning in Philippine Pharmacy Education

    Abstract / Full Text / Download PDF


    Background: Due to COVID-19, schools physically shut down in 2020, which led to the implementation of flexible learning in pharmacy education. Objective: The first phase of this study sought to determine the stage where pharmacy schools are from the continuum of pre-emerging to empowering, forming the basis of the creation of the ACTS (Assess, Cope, Transition, Synergize) framework. The second phase determined the stage two years after action plan implementation. Methods: Survey research using an adapted tool was employed. Eighty-seven (87) and fifty-three (53) schools represented by the deans or heads, participated in the first and second phases, respectively, out of 124 schools. Qualitative inputs were used to supplement the discussion of findings. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Results: The results in 2020 showed that respondent schools were mostly on the pre-emerging (42.35%) to emerging phase (34.12%), which means that they are initially recognizing the need for deliberate action plans to implement flexible learning options or still beginning to raise awareness to plan for such. In 2022, respondent schools have migrated to engaging (37.74%), extending (35.8%) and empowering (18.9%) stages, which means that schools are already establishing action plans across all stakeholders in the academic community, beginning trial initiatives. Captured also in the re-survey are a) students’ migration from category 2- limited connectivity to category 3- full connectivity (6.9% to 43.4%); b) faculty members on status quo, more on category 2 than category 3 (71.7% and 28.3%) c) faculty development needs are about curriculum enhancement and hybrid modality (25% and 22%) d) schools now use a variety of platforms and Learning Management System (LMS). Conclusion: Moving forward, there is still a need for recovery interventions, revision of the recommending guidelines in 2020, measures of sustainability and embedment of continuous quality improvement (CQI) in the processes, and official guidelines in the implementation of the EPP in the context of the new curriculum.